Many thanks, to all who have donated so far in Olofsfors Pink Ribbon Track collection!
15 ноября 2021

Thanks to ALL who have contributed!
Over 200 000 Swedish Kronor (SEK) has been collected so far this year, through the Pink Ribbon fundraiser that Olofsfors has created on the Breast Cancer Association website. Since 2010, Olofsfors has contributed 1 367 000 SEK to cancer research through the collection. The funds are spent on breast cancer research, as well as current patients, survivors and their families.
November 7th was the last day to contribute with 5 000 SEK or more, for the opportunity to become the owner of the Olofsfors AB pink forest machine track, donated to the Breast Cancer Association.
201 000 SEK has been contributed so far, from companies and individuals alike around Sweden, with hopes of more over the year to come.
The Olofsfors fundraiser goes on until the end of December, on the Breast Cancer Association's website.
- “As of November 7th, we have had a total of 67 donations, 34 of which contributed at least 5 000 SEK or more. The drawing of this year's Pink Ribbon Track took place during the Annual General Meeting of forest contractors and the lucky owner of the bogie track, with a value of approximately SEK 100,000, was Johanna Nilsson at GWJ Skogsentreprenad”, says Maria Öhman, Marketing Manager at Olofsfors.
During the meeting, another ten draws were made and invitations were sent for a tour of the Olofsfors factory with an overnight stay. Who were the lucky recipients? You can see in the video below.
Congratulations to all!
And thank you for all the amazing gifts!
See all who contributed!
To see all who have donated a gift, go to the Olofsfors page on the breast cancer Association website:
Olofsfors insamling "Rosa Bandet" 2021 | Bröstcancerförbundet (
Here is everyone who donated 5 000 SEK or more in the 2021 pink ribbon collection;
Curras Transport AB | 10 000 kr |
Per Andersson Skogsmaskiner AB | 10 000 kr |
Sonö Jord och Skog AB | 10 000 kr |
Uno Andersson Skogsmaskin AB | 10 000 kr |
Österby Gallring AB | 10 000 kr |
Alenius Skog AB | 5 000 kr |
Anders Öhman Skog AB | 5 000 kr |
Bodafors Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 kr |
Bolens skogsentreprenad AB | 5 000 kr |
Curth Carlsson ensk. firma | 5 000 kr |
Drivarn AB | 5 000 kr |
Freddes Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 kr |
Gettjärns Skogsprodukter AB | 5 000 kr |
GWJ Skogsentreprenad | 5 000 kr |
Gästrike Skogsavverkning AB | 5 000 kr |
Heiki AB | 5 000 kr |
Håggarn AB | 5 000 kr |
Janssons Skogsavverkning AB | 5 000 kr |
Johan Adolfssons Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 kr |
Liljemark Skogsavverkning | 5 000 kr |
Lärkhammars Entreprenad AB | 5 000 kr |
Magnus Kempes Skogsgallring AB | 5 000 kr |
Mats Classons Skogsvård AB | 5 000 kr |
Mb Greens Skogstransporter AB | 5 000 kr |
Målviken Skog AB | 5 000 kr |
Noretjärns skogsentreprenad AB | 5 000 kr |
NZ Skogsentreprenad | 5 000 kr |
Rooth Skogsvård AB | 5 000 kr |
RW Skogsmaskiner AB | 5 000 kr |
Samsons Detaljhandel AB | 5 000 kr |
Stigs Maskin AB | 5 000 kr |
Stubbetorps Skogsentreprenad | 5 000 kr |
Svea Torp AB | 5 000 kr |
Svedja Skog AB | 5 000 kr |
Read more about Olofsfors Pink Ribbon fundraising at:
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Maria Öhman
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +46 (0)930-397 01
Olofsfors AB - Главный офис
Телефон: +46 (0) 930-396 00
Адрес: Olofsfors AB - Главный офис
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE