Press release - Pink Track 2019
27 September 2019

Olofsfors' commitment to cancer
Most have some form of relationship with cancer and we all know someone who has been affected.
Every hour, a woman gets the message breast cancer, which is also the most common form of cancer in women. For the 10th year, Olofsfors will get involved and donate money to cancer research, something that the employees at Olofsfors view positively.
- For me who myself has suffered from cancer, but who has thankfully been declared healthy, it is admirable with an employer who wants to get involved and help fight cancer, says Karin Österlund who is one of several victims at the company Olofsfors AB.
Olofsfors is not a unique workplace when it comes to cancer. In most workplaces, large and small, there are one or more people who have been affected by cancer. The bigger you as a company become, the more noticeable and noticeable it becomes when several colleagues are affected.
- It is not until you yourself are affected that you realize the importance of all the efforts that are made to fight cancer. Money for research, care treatment and not least the support for all relatives is always needed, says Olofsfors CEO Göran Nyberg, who himself suffered from skin cancer in 2018, but who today is completely healthy.
Olofsfors has donated almost SEK 800,000 to cancer research
Since 2010, Olofsfors has auctioned off a pair of pink tracks in favor of cancer research. That was the year one of the employees at Olofsfors made the connection between the Pink Track and the forest machine tracks that the company manufactures and delivers worldwide. Nearly SEK 800,000 has since been donated to cancer research.
- Olofsfors' commitment and communication that there are pink tracks and there are pink forest machine tracks was really successful last year. The money from the auction contributes to breast cancer research but also support to victims and relatives. We are extremely grateful that the collaboration continues. This means that we can continue the work to achieve our vision that no one should be affected by breast cancer, says Marit Jenset, Secretary General, the Breast Cancer Association.
- I myself have undergone a curative prostate treatment. The conditions are much better today for those who have been affected by cancer, as research is progressing rapidly, says Leif Åke Holmlund, maintenance manager at Olofsfors. I am glad that I live in today's society as the opportunity to be cured and live a full life is much greater now than before.
Pink October
During the month of October, a pair of Pink Forestry tracks will be auctioned off on the company's website and Olofsfors hopes to be able to surpass last year's success. Last year, it was between Ponsse AB and an Estonian company MFO OÜ that the final match took place, where it was finally to Estonia that the pink track was sent. The final bid and the amount that could be donated to the breast cancer association was as much as SEK 155,000.
- It will be tough to exceed last year's record amount, but we of course hope that more companies than we see the value of the auction and that together we can contribute another record to help drive research further, says Göran Nyberg.

Several cancer sufferers at Olofsfors AB.
At the back from left Karin Österlund, Karin Weinehall, Maria Karlsson, Leif Åke Holmlund and Göran Nyberg.
Olofsfors AB - Main office
Phone: +46 (0) 930-396 00
Address: Olofsfors AB - Main office
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE