4 November 2020

As many as SEK 223,000 were brought together by companies and private individuals around Sweden and Finland. This is a new record in the Olofsfors Pink Ribbon fundraiser for the benefit of cancer research.
… And there can be more!
The collection will continue for the rest of the year, but then without the opportunity to win the pink ribbon.
- The last two years, Olofsfors Rosa Bandet collection has gone really well. It was SEK 155,000 in 2018, and SEK 165,000 in 2019. The amount for the year exceeded all our hopes, says Maria Öhman, Marketing Manager at Olofsfors.
Who will win the pink ribbon is still unclear as the draw will take place at the breast cancer association in Stockholm during week 48.
- We have had a total of 74 donations, of which 36 contributed SEK 5,000 or more. A total of 43 entries will be in the draw for the band, as each entry of SEK 5,000 provides a chance to win, says Maria Öhman.
Due to Covid-19, it is currently uncertain how the draw will take place, but the hope is that Olofsfors will be able to broadcast the draw live. More information will come in the future.
We thank you for all the fantastic gifts!
Here are everyone who has donated SEK 5,000 or more and those who are in the draw for the Pink Ribbon.
Curras Transport AB | 30 000 SEK |
Janssons Skogsavverkning AB Arjäng | 10 000 SEK |
John Deeere Forestry AB | 10 000 SEK |
John Deere Forestry Oy | 5 000 SEK |
Svea Torp AB | 5 000 SEK |
Samsons | 5 000 SEK |
Freddes Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 SEK |
Bodafors Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 SEK |
GH Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Stigs Maskin AB | 5 000 SEK |
Svedja Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Andreas Nilsson Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Sonö Jord och Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Hermanssons Gräv AB | 5 000 SEK |
J Dahlqvist Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Noretjärns skogsentreprenad AB | 5 000 SEK |
H Norgrens Entr AB | 5 000 SEK |
Curth Carlsson ensk. firma | 5 000 SEK |
RW Skogsmaskiner AB | 5 000 SEK |
Alenius Skog AB | 5 000 SEK |
Lennart Lundquist | 5 000 SEK |
GWJ Skogsentreprenad | 5 000 SEK |
MK Forest AB | 5 000 SEK |
Classons Skogsvård AB | 5 000 SEK |
Entreprenad Mansheden AB | 5 000 SEK |
Rooth Skogsvård AB | 5 000 SEK |
Stig Widin Skogsentreprenad AB | 5 000 SEK |
Lärkhammars Entreprenad AB | 5 000 SEK |
Rensby Skogsavverkningar AB | 5 000 SEK |
Anders Adolfssons Skogstjänst AB | 5 000 SEK |
Hb UrJo Skogstjänst | 5 000 SEK |
Östervallskogs Skogsavverkning AB | 5 000 SEK |
Gettjärns Skogsprodukter AB | 5 000 SEK |
Dala Fältservice AB | 5 000 SEK |
Liljemark Skogsavverkning | 5 000 SEK |
Österby Gallring AB | 5 000 SEK |
To see everyone who has donated, go to Olofsfors' page at the breast cancer association:
Read more about Olofsfors Rosa bandet collection: www.olofsfors.se/rosabandet
Questions or for more information, please contact:
Maria Öhman
Marketing manager
Phone: 0930-397 01
E-mail: maria.ohman@olofsfors.se

Olofsfors AB - Main office
Phone: +46 (0) 930-396 00
E-mail: info@olofsfors.se
Address: Olofsfors AB - Main office
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE