
Lighter, cheaper and more durable than conventional wear products.


Olofsfors Wear Steel can be used in many different ways. Olofsfors SharqPlate™ gives extra-protection in buckets, feeders and chutes. Longer lifetime and better cost-efficiency by higher hardness and unique pattern.

Extra protection Wear Steel

SharqPlate™ are made of high strength boron steel. The chemical composition of the material combined with the manufacturing method provides very good wear resistance, long wear time and excellent welding properties.

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Tugi ja teenindus

Meie eesmärk on pakkuda turu parimat ja kiireimat teenust, et vähendada tööseisakuid ja suurendada kasumlikkust.

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Kvaliteet ja kestlikkus

Olofsfors kasutab oma toodetes Põhjamaist taaskasutatud terast. Koos uuendusliku tootmisprotsessi ning laialdaste terase- ja tehnoloogiateadmistega suudame pakkuda turuliidri kvaliteedile vastavaid tooteid.

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SharqPlate are made of high strength boron steel. The chemical composition of the material combined with the manufacturing method provides very good wear resistance, long wear time and excellent welding properties.

Customized solutions

In our factory in Northern Sweden, we have full production and product control. That´s why we can offer a customized solution that perfectly fits your machine. We have the possibility to create specific wear parts to fit machines for the mining industry and many more, even on short notice.

Go to our Wear Edges and Bars

Olofsfors AB - peakontor

Telefon: +46 (0) 930-396 00
Aadress: Olofsfors AB - peakontor
Olofsfors 11
SE-914 91 Nordmaling, SE


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